Slides from Mozlando 2015: Emscripten, WebAssembly, and Binaryen (kripken)
Slides from CppCon 2014:
Slides from GDC 2014: Getting started with asm.js and Emscripten (kripken, lwagner)
Slides from Strange Loop 2013: Native speed on the web, JavaScript and asm.js (kripken)
Slides from GDC Europe 2013: C++ on the Web (floh)
Slides from QCon 2013: Connecting languages together (kripken)
Slides from Quo Vadis 2013: C++ on the Web: Run your big 3D game in the browser! (floh)
Slides from GDC 2013:
Slides from mloc.js: Big Web App? Compile it! (kripken) 2011: Emscripten (kripken)
Emscripten: An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler (kripken) — A detailed explanation of how Emscripten works, covering the memory model, relooper algorithm, etc. This is now somewhat outdated.
WebGL Insights: Desaulniers, N. (2015). Chapter 5: Emscripten and WebGL. In P. Cozzi, WebGL Insights (pp. 71-88). Boca Raton, Florida: A K Peters/CRC Press. Amazon CRC Press.
HTML5 Game Development Insights — Book with a chapter on Emscripten (2014).