The C++ APIs in bind.h define
Guide documentation for this API can be found in Embind.
This define is used to bind C++ classes, functions and other constructs to JavaScript. It is used differently depending on the construct being mapped — see the embind guide for examples.
name – This is a label to mark a group of related bindings (for example EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS(physics)
, etc.)
Currently only allow_raw_pointers
policy is supported.
Eventually we hope to implement Boost.Python-like raw pointer policies for managing
object ownership.
// Prototype
template<typename Signature>
typename std::add_pointer<Signature>::type select_overload(typename std::add_pointer<Signature>::type fn)
:param typename std::add_pointer<Signature>::type fn
// Prototype
template<typename Signature, typename ClassType>
typename internal::MemberFunctionType<ClassType, Signature>::type select_overload(Signature (ClassType::*fn))
:param Signature (ClassType::*fn)
// Prototype
template<typename ClassType, typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
auto select_const(ReturnType (ClassType::*method)(Args...) const)
:param ReturnType (ClassType::*method)(Args…) const
// Prototype
template<typename LambdaType>
typename internal::CalculateLambdaSignature<LambdaType>::type optional_override(const LambdaType& fp)
:param const LambdaType& fp
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args, typename... Policies>
void function(const char* name, ReturnType (*fn)(Args...), Policies...)
Registers a function to export to JavaScript. This is called from within
For example to export the function lerp()
// quick_example.cpp
#include <emscripten/bind.h>
using namespace emscripten;
float lerp(float a, float b, float t) {
return (1 - t) * a + t * b;
function("lerp", &lerp);
const char* name – The name of the function to export (e.g. "lerp"
ReturnType (*fn)(Args...) – Function pointer address for the exported function (e.g. &lerp
Policies... – Policy for managing raw pointer object ownership. Currently must be allow_raw_pointers
A typedef of ClassType
, the typename of the templated type for the class.
:param const char* name
ElementType InstanceType::*field – Note that ElementType
and InstanceType
are typenames (templated types).
:param Getter getter. Note that Getter
is a typename (templated type).
:param Setter setter. Note that Setter
is a typename (templated type).
:param index<Index>:Note that Index
is an integer template parameter.
A typedef of ClassType
, the typename of the templated type for the class.
:param const char* name
:param const char* fieldName. :param FieldType InstanceType::*field.
:param const char* fieldName.
:param Getter getter. Note that Getter
is a typename (templated type).
:param Setter setter. Note that Setter
is a typename (templated type).
:param const char* fieldName.
:param index<Index>. Note that Index
is an integer template parameter.
template<typename PointerType>
struct default_smart_ptr_trait
:param void* v
Note that the PointerType
returned is a typename (templated type).
template<typename PointerType>
struct smart_ptr_trait : public default_smart_ptr_trait<PointerType>
typedef typename PointerType::element_type element_type;
A typedef for the PointerType::element_type, where PointerType
is a typename (templated type).
const PointerType& ptr – Note that PointerType
is a typename (templated type)
template<typename PointeeType>
struct smart_ptr_trait<std::shared_ptr<PointeeType>>
A typedef to std::shared_ptr<PointeeType>, where PointeeType
is a typename (templated type).
A typedef for the PointerType::element_type
:param const PointerType& ptr
PointeeType* p – Note that PointeeType
is a typename (templated type).
EM_VAL v –
template<typename T>
class wrapper : public T, public internal::WrapperBase
A typedef of T
, the typename of the templated type for the class.
template<typename... Args>
explicit wrapper(val&& wrapped, Args&&... args)
: T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
, wrapped(std::forward<val>(wrapped))
:param val&& wrapped
:param Args&&… args: Note that Args
is a typename (templated type).
:param const char* name
:param Args&&… args: Note that Args
is a typename (templated type).
:returns: Note that ReturnType
is a typename (templated type).
:param T
A typedef of BaseClass
, the typename of the templated type for the class.
Note, is templated function which takes typename ClassType
template<typename ClassType>
using Upcaster = BaseClass* (*)(ClassType*);
template<typename ClassType>
using Downcaster = ClassType* (*)(BaseClass*);
template<typename ClassType>
static Upcaster<ClassType> getUpcaster()
template<typename ClassType>
static Downcaster<ClassType> getDowncaster()
template<typename From, typename To>
static To* convertPointer(From* ptr)
:param From* ptr
Note that this is a template struct taking typename ... ConstructorArgs
Note that this is a templated class with typename parameters ClassType
and BaseSpecifier
A typedef of ClassType
(a typename for the class).
A typedef of BaseSpecifier
(a typename for the class).
class_() = delete;
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE explicit class_(const char* name)
:param const char* name
template<typename PointerType>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& smart_ptr(const char* name) const
:param const char* name.
:returns: A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename... ConstructorArgs, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& constructor(Policies... policies) const
Zero-argument form of the class constructor. This invokes the natural constructor with the arguments specified in the template. See External constructors for more information.
Policies... policies – Policy for managing raw pointer object ownership. Currently must be allow_raw_pointers
A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename Signature = internal::DeduceArgumentsTag, typename Callable, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& constructor(Callable callable, Policies...) const
Class constructor for objects that use a factory function to create the object. This method will accept either a function pointer, std::function
object or function object which will return a newly constructed object. When the Callable
is a function object the function signature must be
explicitly specified in the Signature
template parameter in the format ReturnType (Args...)
. For Callable
types other than function objects
the method signature will be deduced.
The following are all valid calls to constructor
using namespace std::placeholders;
myClass2.constructor(std::function<ClassType2(float, float)>(&class2_factory));
myClass3.constructor<ClassType3(const val&)>(std::bind(Class3Functor(), _1));
See External constructors for more information.
:param Callable callable Note that Callable
may be either a member function pointer, function pointer, std::function
or function object.
:param Policies… policies: Policy for managing raw pointer object ownership. Currently must be allow_raw_pointers
:returns: A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename SmartPtr, typename... Args, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& smart_ptr_constructor(const char* smartPtrName, SmartPtr (*factory)(Args...), Policies...) const
:param const char* smartPtrName
:param SmartPtr (*factory)(Args…)
:param Policies… policies: Policy for managing raw pointer object ownership. Currently must be allow_raw_pointers
:returns: A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename WrapperType, typename PointerType, typename... ConstructorArgs>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& allow_subclass(
const char* wrapperClassName,
const char* pointerName,
::emscripten::constructor<ConstructorArgs...> = ::emscripten::constructor<>()
) const
:param const char* wrapperClassName
:param const char* pointerName
:param emscripten::constructor<ConstructorArgs…> constructor)
:returns: A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename WrapperType, typename... ConstructorArgs>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& allow_subclass(
const char* wrapperClassName,
::emscripten::constructor<ConstructorArgs...> constructor = ::emscripten::constructor<>()
) const
:param const char* wrapperClassName :param ::emscripten::constructor<ConstructorArgs…> constructor)
A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename Signature = internal::DeduceArgumentsTag, typename Callable, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& function(const char* methodName, Callable callable, Policies...) const
This method is for declaring a method belonging to a class.
On the JavaScript side this is a function that gets bound as a property of the prototype. For example .function("myClassMember", &MyClass::myClassMember)
would bind myClassMember
to MyClass.prototype.myClassMember
in the JavaScript. This method will accept either a pointer-to-member-function, function
pointer, std::function
object or function object. When the Callable
is not a pointer-to-member-function it must accept the ClassType
as the first
) parameter. When the Callable
is a function object the function signature must be explicitly specified in the Signature
template parameter
in the format ReturnType (Args...)
. For Callable
types other than function objects the method signature will be deduced.
A method name specified in the human-readable well-known symbol format (e.g., @@iterator
is bound using the named Symbol
for JavaScript (e.g., Symbol.iterator
The following are all valid calls to function
using namespace std::placeholders;
myClass.function("myClassMember", &MyClass::myClassMember)
.function("myFreeFunction", &my_free_function)
.function("myStdFunction", std::function<float(ClassType&, float, float)>(&my_function))
.function<val(const MyClass&)>("myFunctor", std::bind(&my_functor_taking_this, _1));
:param const char* methodName
:param Callable callable Note that Callable
may be either a member function pointer, function pointer, std::function
or function object.
:param typename… Policies: Policy for managing raw pointer object ownership. Currently must be allow_raw_pointers
:returns: A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename FieldType, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_function<FieldType>::value>::type>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& property(const char* fieldName, const FieldType ClassType::*field) const
:param const char* fieldName :param const FieldType ClassType::*field
A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename FieldType, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_function<FieldType>::value>::type>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& property(const char* fieldName, FieldType ClassType::*field) const
:param const char* fieldName :param FieldType ClassType::*field
A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename PropertyType = internal::DeduceArgumentsTag, typename Getter>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& property(const char* fieldName, Getter getter) const;
Declare a read-only property with the specified fieldName
on the class using the specified getter
to retrieve the property
value. Getter
may be either a class method, a function, a std::function
or a function object. When Getter
is not pointer-to-member-function, it must accept an instance of the ClassType
as the this
argument. When
is a function object, the property type must be specified as a template parameter as it cannot be deduced,
e.g.:<int>("myIntProperty", MyIntGetterFunctor());
:param const char* fieldName
:param Getter getter Note that Getter
is a function template typename.
:returns: A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename PropertyType = internal::DeduceArgumentsTag, typename Getter, typename Setter>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& property(const char* fieldName, Getter getter, Setter setter) const
This is a function template taking typenames Setter
and Getter
: template<typename Getter, typename Setter>
which declares a read-write property with the specified fieldName
on the class. Getter
and Setter
may be either a
class method, a function, a std::function
or a function object. When Getter
or Setter
is not pointer-to-member-function,
it must accept an instance of the ClassType
as the this
argument. When Getter
or Setter
is a function object, the
property type must be specified as a template parameter as it cannot be deduced, e.g.:<int>("myIntProperty", MyIntGetterFunctor(), MyIntSetterFunctor());
:param const char* fieldName
:param Getter getter: Note that Getter
is a function template typename.
:param Setter setter: Note that Setter
is a function template typename.
:returns: A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& class_function(const char* methodName, ReturnType (*classMethod)(Args...), Policies...) const
This method is for declaring a static function belonging to a class.
On the JavaScript side this is a function that gets bound as a property
of the constructor. For example .class_function("myStaticFunction",
binds myStaticFunction
A method name specified in the human-readable well-known symbol format (e.g., @@species
is bound using the named Symbol
for JavaScript (e.g., Symbol.species
:param const char* methodName
:param ReturnType (*classMethod)(Args…)
:param Policies…: Policy for managing raw pointer object ownership. Currently must be allow_raw_pointers
:returns: A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename FieldType>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& property(const char* fieldName, FieldType *field) const
:param const char* fieldName :param FieldType ClassType::*field
A const
reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_
functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename EnumType>
class enum_
Registers an enum to export to JavaScript. This is called from within an
block and works with both C++98 enums
and C++11 “enum classes”. See Enums for more information.
A typedef of EnumType
(a typename for the class).
:param const char* name
Registers an enum value.
const char* name – The name of the enumerated value.
EnumType value – The type of the enumerated value.
A reference to the current object. This allows chaining of multiple enum values in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS()
template<typename ConstantType>
void constant(const char* name, const ConstantType& v)
Registers a constant to export to JavaScript. This is called from within
EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS(my_constant_example) {
const char* name – The name of the constant.
const ConstantType& v – The constant type. This can be any type known to embind.